Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What sources place children?

Generally family members or guardians who are searching for a safe place for their child during a time of need.

What age and type of children do you care for?

We serve children from infants through 18 years of age, both boys and girls.  We are able to serve those who can function well in a Christian family setting, not posing a risk of harm to themselves or others. 

Is Alpha state funded?

No.  Alpha is 100% privately funded through the financial support of churches, individuals, businesses, and groups interested in partnering with us to help provide for children in need.

Do you have state regulations?

Yes, we comply with all applicable statutory laws and regulations governing child care and non-profit organizations.

Is Alpha non-profit?

Yes, Alpha is an IRS 501(c)3 incorporated, non-profit organization governed by a board of directors.

Is there a fee?

No, only if funds are available, or the family can afford to help, do we receive any assistance from them.  We do not charge a tuition for those we serve.

Who do you contact for a placement?

Email or call, asking for the person in charge of placements, and express your need. They will let you know if you may fill out an application for placement for your child in our homes.

What are your needs?

Alpha is 100% privately funded, and there is no tuition charge for those served.  We are always in need of financial support, as well as food, clothing, and toys for the kids.  We also have a list of special needs.

Children find refuge at Alpha due to many circumstances, and include those being raised by grandparents who are no longer able, children who have been abused, neglected, orphaned, homeless, or poor, children needing a safe place to stay during a parent’s military service or deployment, and those with other needs.  Each child’s story is unique.   Alpha provides the children with a loving family and opportunities for healing and growth.  A school learning center promotes excellence and success academically, sometimes for the first time, for each child. 

Usually Alpha nurtures six to ten children with unconditional love and care in each on-site residence at a time, depending on the individual needs of each child involved.

Your Mission Partnership enables children to come to Alpha to find the family and Savior that they need!

Alpha Christian Children’s Home, School & Ranch

Mailing address:
PO Box 727
Perry, Kansas 66073-0727
(785) 597-5235

Office Hours:
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (M-F)
Phone: (785) 597-5235
Fax: (785) 597-5235


Facebook Page:

Physical address:
15017 27th St
Perry, Kansas 66073